Contact info:

Waldo Cardenas              Address:
281-979-2753                   3501 Mooney Rd. 77093
Email: [email protected]

Our foundations to achiving your goals!

The Dymanic Personal Traning is a type of training that combines a dynamic workout with an excellent nutrition program that is persononlized to  meet your fitness goals in the most effecient manner. You might ask yourself well I want to lose the excess fat well with this program you can accomplish this wether you want to lose fat or gain muscle.  Our Dynamic Personal training is based on getting you fit and healthy by optimizing both your workouts and nutrition level.

Hard Work and determination Pays off !

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.  ~Edward Stanley

What you see on your right is a picture of the United States this is just to remind you that our country is the "Fattest" country in the world why might this be and why should you worry because we are engulfed with so many fast food places and no where nearly as many workout facilities stating that some people just need to be pushed to attend the gym more frequently and do proper workout routines. Our Dynamic training is not going to get rid of the obesity  problem we have in our hands but it can certaninly help in the cause. We commit ourselfs to providing you with the best services available to not only accomplish your goals but at the same time help the obesity epedimic.

The Dynamic Training Program combines both nutrition and dynamic workouts which then equal great results